Save the Date! Senior Decision Day 2024
Congratulations to the Yellowjacket tennis team for defeating the Mercedes Tigers. They currently sit 1-0 in district play and take on the Pace Vikings this Saturday.
On Wednesday Human Services selected 4 classes for Mothers Against Drunk Drivers (MADD) to go into classes and present to the seniors. Human Services also sponsored Teens in the Driver Seat Promoting Safe Driving before Spring Break. Wednesday's event was a success! #SafeDriving
Congratulations to the culinary students who have earned their ServSafe certifications! Your dedication is admirable and positions you as a leader in the industry. Keep up the great work! #YellowJacketPride #Culinary
Human Services and CHW seniors were invited to JRG Head Start for Dr. Seuss's Day of Reading. Thank you for having us and to Ms. Sanchez and Mrs. Gonzalez for your continued support. #Dr.Seuss #YellowJacketPride
Congratulations to the Edcouch-Elsa UIL One Act Play team for advancing to the District round of contest with the production of "Lafayette No. 1". Some students received individual awards for their performance:
-Awards for Honorable Mention All-Star Cast went to Jacob Martinez & Christian Castillo
-Awards for All-Star Cast went to Karen Nunez & Samantha Sanchez
-Tech Award for Lighting goes to Jose Santillan.
Congratulations once again to all our performers for representing our school in theatrical success. Go Jackets!
Ever wonder how a schedule gets created? 1st courses are reviewed then students meet with their counselors to set their preferences. Be sure to send your Yellowjackets every day so they can choose their classes for next year! #PreRegistration #AttendanceMatters #WeAreEDCOUCHELSA
Help us make a difference in our community! Join us for the EEHS Student Council's blood drive on March 8th and donate blood to save lives. Anyone interested, pick up the registration form in Room A8. #BloodDrive #DonateBlood #YellojacketsSaveLives
Congratulations to the UIL Journalism Team who participated at the Edinburg North Invitational. In Feature Writing Klinel Cabrera got 6th Place. In News Writing Aliyah Cerda got 3rd, and Albert Rosas got 6th Place. In Editorial Writing Aliyah Cerda got 4th Place and in Headline Writing Aliyah Cerda got 2nd place and Klinel Cabrera got 4th Place. Also showing a strong finish was Orlando Castana. Way to go Yellowjacket UIL!
Mandatory Parent Meeting on March 1st at 5:30 pm in the Gold Brigade Dance Room. Have any questions please come to the dance room.
A huge thank you to our teachers for making our professional learning day a success! Your commitment to ongoing professional development and collaboration is what makes our school great. We appreciate all that you do for our students! #ProfessionalDevelopment #YellowJacketPride
Attention EEHS Community please read attached letter.
Congratulations to the girls who qualified for Regionals in Powerlifting! Your hard work and dedication have paid off. The girls will compete on Wednesday, March 1st at the Bert Ogden Arena.
Good luck and safe travels to our varsity girls softball team as they travel to Portland for a 3 day tournament. Play hard, stay focused, and have fun out there! We're rooting for you all the way! Go Yellowjackets! #VarisitySoftball #Yellowjacketpride
Let's give a big shoutout to our amazing bus drivers! They work tirelessly to transport our students safely to and from school, rain or shine. We're grateful for their commitment to keeping our students safe. #SchoolBusDrivers #Gratitude #Thankyou
Shoutout to Human Services for delivering Random Acts of Kindness on Friday! Your efforts to spread joy and positivity did not go unnoticed. Thank you for making the world a kinder, more compassionate place. #actsofkindness #grateful #eehs
Attention students! Are you ready to bring your school spirit to the next level? Come join the cheerleading team! We're holding tryouts on Feb 27- Mar 1st from 4:30 to 6pm at the Robert Capello Gym. Pick up a form at the north or south office, and in CT8.
Is your Yellowjacket a part of the Class of 2023? Then this announcement is for you! Please join us for our Senior Parent Meeting!
It’s National School Board Month! Thank you EEISD Board President Rolando Lozano for all that you do for our students and community!
Do you lift? Our Lady Jackets and YELLOWJACKETS are PUMPed up for Powerlifting Season! They both won the Edcouch Elsa Invitational Meet! #WeAreEDCOUCHELSA